Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in General Education


The Ph.D. in Education online degree program produces leaders who can address the nation’s most pressing educational challenges. Each online degree specialization is designed to meet both your professional interests and the needs of your school district, college or university. This graduate degree is ideal if you are already a teacher, and your career goals include becoming a superintendent, faculty member at a university or community college, teacher or administrator.

Educators who are interested in pursuing an area that is not among the specializations currently offered may develop their own specialization with the approval of the faculty chair. Current students have developed self-designed specializations in curriculum areas such as math education, science education, art or music education, and literacy, as well as in discipline areas such as English-language learning and urban education. Pacific InterContinental College (PIC) is ideal for ambitious learners.

The PhD in General Education focuses on practice and theory of teaching and learning as well as administration and support. The program aims to train the students in instructional design and curricula development while developing educational leadership skills and research approaches so they can contribute to the dynamic field of pedagogy. It serves a diverse student population with a broad range of programs in instruction, service, and research, so that its graduates will become competent, productive and contributing citizens. The program provides opportunities for students to make connections among the various courses and disciplines they encounter in college and to apply their skills and knowledge to analyzing real problems in contemporary society.

This course will enable the students to have a sense of self-dignity and self-worth, an ever-expanding capacity for appreciating, understanding, and sympathizing with the human condition in all its variations of cultural, social, racial, ethnic, moral, and physical diversity, gain knowledge and skills necessary for meaningful and productive living, achieve a desire to know more about one’s environment and the global perspective.

The General Education course work convey some of the accumulated insights about humankind and its cultural and scientific achievements, the nature of human societies, the natural order, and the systematic ways in which we seek knowledge and understanding in many fields.

The criterion for this program is a master’s degree in any course. While the most obvious career choice for someone studying education is becoming a teacher, a degree in education opens the door to a wide range of job prospects. Besides teaching at any level, like preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, junior high and high school, education degree graduates can pursue careers in a specialized field of teaching, such as special education, physical education or teaching English as a second language.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in English Education


Prepare for a Career as an Academic Researcher or Teacher Educator. Develop the research and writing skills you need to become an academic researcher or teacher educator in the field of English education. This doctoral program prepares you to build a career as a university researcher, English curriculum specialist in governmental and non-profit educational organizations, or English teacher educator in post-secondary school systems.

What You’ll Learn

The doctorate requires a minimum of 63 credits and successful completion of written and oral candidacy requirements, as well as a dissertation. Specific requirements for the PhD degree are determined in consultation with your adviser.

Prepare For A Career As A

  • University researcher
  • Teacher educator
  • English education specialist in governmental and non-profit educational organizations

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Speech Communication


The PhD in Speech Communication provides an excellent research and professional education to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to process symbols for creating, analyzing, and disseminating messages. It is designed to prepare students for leadership in a changing, technology-driven and communication-focused society.

The primary goal of the Ph.D. programs in the Department of Speech Communication is to develop scholars/researchers and teachers who will excel in teaching and research positions. Graduate education in this Department is particularly founded upon the ideal that each advanced learner’s individual interests and talents can be recognized, nourished, and honed in a climate of rigorous study. Consistent with this ideal, the Department encourages graduate students in speech communication to engage in individually tailored interdisciplinary study. Specific course requirements have been minimized to provide each student great flexibility in designing a Program of Studies to meet individual interests and goals.

Graduates of this program will be able to critically examine communication theory and research, demonstrate oral communication skills in a variety of contexts, become knowledgeable about multicultural perspectives in communication, and experience individual growth and develop confidence in dealing with different kinds of people.

Course Equivalencies

Previous graduate coursework may be approved as course equivalencies to a student’s Program of Studies. Courses to be considered as possible equivalents, students must supply a copy of the course syllabi for evaluation. Discussions about possible course equivalencies should take place early in a student’s program.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Social Welfare


The Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management (Ph.D. ELM-SOCW), major in Social Welfare is a unique program for working professionals who see themselves as educational leaders transforming their organizations through a learning perspective.

Leadership is the essential resource for creating and sustaining organizations, communities, and societies. It draws upon a common ethic to teach and live leadership through commitment, academic excellence, and innovative practice.

The program prepares leaders who serve schools, businesses, and government to improve the quality of life and well being of an individual, group, or community by intervening through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, and teaching. Research is often focused on areas such as social policy, public administration, psychotherapy, program evaluation, community and international world.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Physical Education


The PhD in Physical Education prepares graduates to become members of the professorial and enables them to:

  • Prepare physical education teachers and adapted physical education specialists
  • Conduct and disseminate educational research, and
  • Provide leadership in sport pedagogy.

A major purpose of the doctoral program is to help students acquire skills and predispositions to become contributors to the expanding knowledge base in sport pedagogy. Students are expected to acquire research skills through apprenticeship experiences in the dissertation research of peers and through cooperative research projects with faculty. At least one publishable research project in conjunction with the adviser is expected prior to completion of the dissertation.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Music Education


The Ph.D. in music program offers advanced study of the process of teaching and learning music with a research-based perspective for individuals seeking greater breadth and depth in the music education profession and/or careers in higher education and music administration. It is designed to provide opportunities for a high level of scholarly study in the processes of teaching and learning music. Candidates will be expected to develop and test new knowledge in the field of music education while preparing themselves for positions in higher education or other leadership roles within the profession.

The program will enable the students to recognize and validate problems, develop an original, independent and critical thinking, and develop theoretical concepts, obtain a knowledge of recent advances within one’s field and in related areas, have an understanding of relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within one’s research field, analyze critically and evaluate one’s findings and those of other, and summarize, document, report and reflect on progress.

The curriculum of a Ph.D. in Music program examines advanced musical analysis techniques for compositions from many historical periods and for many ensemble types. Students explore approaches to teaching musical analysis. Nearly all programs require students to complete an original dissertation and defend it orally before a panel of academic advisors. Below are some of the topics that may be included in a music theory doctoral curriculum: music theory pedagogy, historical music theories, tonal analysis, 20th century music analysis, and measurement and evaluation in music.

Applying to the major in Music Education:

  • Application for Music Education
  • Teaching portfolio for review by the music education faculty. The specific requirements for inclusion in this portfolio include a resume, personal statement, tapes, evaluations, etc.
  • A music history or music theory research paper demonstrating advanced analytic, scholarly, and writing abilities must be submitted with the application. It may be a term paper, seminar report, or an MA thesis, if applicable.
  • A personal statement must be submitted with the application.
  • Interview on a designated date.

Admission Requirements

  • All students must meet the general admission requirements of the Graduate Program. Students majoring in music must have an earned bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a major in music from an accredited institution.
  • All students seeking admission into the graduate music program are required to submit evidence of ability and special interest in their chosen area of specialization.
  • Music Education: In addition to an audition on a principal performance medium, students specializing in music education must fulfill one of the following:
  • From those applicants whose major performance area includes conducting, the submission of a recorded sample of the applicant’s choral and/or instrumental school-ensemble performances;
  • The visitation and evaluation, by members of the music education faculty, of the applicant in his/her current teaching position;
  • An interview before the coordinator of the music education area and one other music education faculty member.
  • The prerequisite of this course is a master’s degree of any course. The majority of Ph.D. in Music graduates pursues careers in academic institutions and publishes scholarly works examining musical works from all eras. Below is a list of some of the positions associated with a Ph.D. in music theory: college music theory professor, music theory historian, and museum music specialist.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Educational Management


The Educational Management program provides candidates with an opportunity to develop the critical leadership skills and knowledge that are required in today’s increasingly complex, diverse, and information-driven educational organizations. This unique program in executive Educational Management provides an attractive and viable alternative to “traditional” doctoral programs in educational leadership. As an alternative doctoral model, the program is designed to:

  • Provide candidates with an advanced curriculum that focuses on relevant and current topics and issues in executive educational leadership;
  • Focus on the core leadership competencies, dispositions, and applied research that executive educational leaders need to be effective in educational settings;
  • Provide opportunities for candidates to focus their dissertation on actual problems in educational organizations, making the dissertation relevant and practical, and thereby encouraging organizational support;
  • Provide candidates with access to a network of successful educational leaders and organizations to support their intellectual, professional, and career development.
  • Through the use of theory and practice we aim to develop change agents and role models for socially- just educational systems.

Students Studying In These Programs Are Generally Interested In The Following Categories

  • Those seeking preparation for careers as educational leaders and administrators in Pk-12 school sectors. Positions most commonly sought are principals, superintendents, supervisors, program directors, central office staff, and state education agency leaders.
  • Those seeking preparation for administrative and leadership careers in post secondary education at the community college and university level, as well as in technical-vocational education. This particular focus can include preparation for the professoriate.
  • Those seeking preparation for careers in educational research, agency and program evaluation, and educational management technology. Positions cover placement in a broad range of employment situations within school districts, community colleges, universities, government, and industry.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Computer Education


Computer Education major is designed to train teachers, corporate trainers, media specialists and technology coordinators. Training is commonly provided in immersive education, e-learning, human performance and multimedia. Students can learn the methods used to evaluate and recommend computer software and hardware. They may learn how websites are built, how to create multimedia and the process used to deliver e-learning training programs. Cognitive, social, cultural and educational issues are commonly explored.

Programs may focus on media design, computer education, software applications and research. Students usually complete a thesis or senior project for graduation. Topics may include:

Object-oriented theory and programming

  • Computers and cognition
  • Educational practice and design
  • Educational research evaluation
  • Distance learning
  • Broadband Networks
  • OS Designs

Popular Career Options

Successful completion of such a program can prepare a graduate for work in the fields of e-learning, media development, corporate training or schools. Job titles may include:

  • Teachers at the PK-12 school level
  • Educational video producer
  • Technology trainer
  • College Professor

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Art Education


The Ph.D. major in Art Education presents opportunities for students with experience in schools or other educational settings to develop necessary philosophical, theoretical, and methodological competence to make scholarly contributions to the field. Working as researchers, scholars, policy makers, and practitioners, graduates become educational leaders in many contexts – universities, colleges, school districts, museums, community arts organizations, government agencies.

Students typically carry out dissertation inquiry in local urban and suburban schools, several renowned art museums in the greater Metropolitan Manila area. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods will guide Ph.D. candidates’ in depth focus on issues such as comprehensive art and visual culture curricula; teaching, learning, and critical literacy in and through the arts; art teacher development and retention; innovation in standards-based arts education and assessment; and other knowledge building questions.
PIC’s faculty exhibits a strong commitment to curriculum innovation, issues of diversity, and life-long aesthetic and artistic development.

The Ph.D. program in art education gives students the opportunity to achieve a high level of scholarly competence and to develop the capacity to contribute to the field. The particular aspect of the field studied by Ph.D. students encompasses a reasonable breadth of study and knowledge of a specialty in the field

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Theology Education


A PhD-ELM major in Theology Education is available for theologians looking to increase their academic qualifications. A doctoral degree in theology allows theologians and religious scholars to pursue advanced teaching and research positions with theological and historical organizations, universities and religious schools. This terminal degree prepares graduates for leadership and managerial positions, including expert teacher for pastors, priests, missionaries, or being a school/seminary professor or head teacher.

Individuals aspiring to enter the clergy or teach at a seminary, college or university find a Ph.D. program in biblical or renewal studies to be a good foundation. Comprised of religious and philosophical studies, the curriculum covers such topics as New and Old Testament, bible exposition and global Christianity. Seminars, readings and research culminate in a student’s dissertation. Prerequisites include a master’s degree in a related field, such as religion or philosophy.

This PhD-ELM major in Theology Education program highlights Christian religion as a whole and other areas of concentration. Theology Education major prepares students for academic positions and often incorporate teaching practices into the curriculum. Theology Education program in this level also emphasize research and critical reflection. Students will conduct independent research and craft a dissertation, which they need to successfully defend in order to qualify for graduation.

Program Information and Requirements

Students need computer and Internet access to use the online class management systems. Instructors combine traditional texts with audio and video presentations. At the end of the program, students must pass written and oral examinations and defend their dissertation.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education


Early childhood education focuses on the education of children from birth to eight years old. Much of the instruction is less formal and structured than elementary school, emphasizing ways that children can learn through games and playing. The following article describes some aspects of early childhood education Doctor of Philosophy programs.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs in early childhood education cover subjects in educational research, developmental psychology and pedagogy. Students design, conduct and analyze experiments to learn how young children acquire knowledge and work to improve the success of educational programs aimed at these young learners. Programs also discuss the mental and physical development of toddlers and preschoolers. Students sometimes specialize in a particular aspect of the field, like educational assessment, curricula development or emergent literacy.

Education Prerequisites

To be admitted to an early childhood education Ph.D. program, applicants need to have completed previous education coursework at the master’s degree level. Many programs also require applicants to complete a statement of interest and submit a sample research paper. Applicants usually need to submit academic and employment references, too.

Program Coursework

Coursework in a Ph.D. program focuses on advanced research and theoretical study in early childhood education. Students spend much of their time writing scholarly papers, designing research projects and performing statistical analyses. Most programs require students to work closely with faculty to write an original dissertation. Courses in the subjects noted below are usually offered:

  • Early childhood educator development
  • Early childhood education research design
  • Preschool curricula design
  • History of early childhood education
  • Preschool program implementation

Popular Career Options

Students who earn a Ph.D. in early childhood education are qualified for careers in education research, administration and instruction. Graduates can work directly with young students, or they can work in teacher training at the college level. Popular options:

  • Early childhood education program supervisor
  • Learning assessment researcher
  • Education policy adviser

Continuing Education Information

Every state requires school or school district administrators to be licensed. Licensure requirements vary by state, but most administrators are required to have at least a master’s degree. States require administrators to pass a written exam, complete an internship and keep up with current educational trends through continuing education.

PIC welcomes applications from individuals seeking a rigorous doctoral program in Early Childhood and Childhood Education. Its focus is the preparation of researchers and educators dedicated to improving children’s access to equitable opportunities for learning from birth through elementary school.

The doctoral program, which leads to a Ph.D., requires a minimum of 60 points beyond the master’s degree. The program is designed for people seeking leadership roles such as serving on a college or university faculty, as an educational researcher, or as a curriculum specialist. Extensive individual mentoring is available by our skilled faculty representing many dimensions of early childhood and childhood education.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration Major in Business Management


A PhD degree is a doctor of philosophy which can be obtained in many areas of study, while a PhD in Business Management is specific to the study of research questions with potential relevance to the business world.

The PhD program in Business Management aim is to plan and undertake PhD education in the areas of: strategic management and leadership, organization of business, innovation and technical development, service and tourism as social, economic and cultural phenomena.

The purpose of the PhD in Business Management Program is to train and mentor PhD students so that they can contribute meaningfully to the development and delivery of the knowledge base that is comprised within the field of management.

Professionals seeking to expand their business skills and knowledge of management theories and practices could benefit by enrolling in PIC’s Ph.D. in Business Management program.

Program Prerequisites

Prospective students of PIC’s Ph.D. in Business Management program should have a master’s degree, an academic background in management or business administration, and have current experience in a corporate environment. Applicants to PIC who are under 24 years of age must have completed at least two years of college or have active military status; some programs may have additional admissions requirements.

Program Description

Ph.D. in Business Management program at PIC offers a diverse business education emphasizing the development of leadership, organizational, and research skills for students seeking career advancement or enhancement. Required courses address business strategies, management techniques, and concepts in marketing, accounting, finance, and operations. Students will have the opportunity to learn problem-solving processes, research methods, leadership theories, planning strategies, and global business practices. A series of research courses help students develop and complete a dissertation. They can also choose from three seminars focusing on fundamental practices in teaching, consulting, or executive leadership.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate


A Doctor of Philosophy in Real Estate allows students the opportunity to focus on various topics, such as urban studies, governmental policy and business administration. Most real estate doctoral programs have Ph.D. candidates teach basic courses to undergraduate students.

The doctoral program in Real Estate offers students with strong backgrounds in finance and economics the opportunity to focus their studies and their research activities on a broad range of topics in real estate, capital markets, housing and urban economics. The purpose of the program is to train individuals for academic positions in real estate and finance and technical research positions in industry. Doctoral students are exposed to state-of-the-art treatments of a variety of current issues in real estate, including structured financing, contract design and pricing, regulatory issues in real estate finance, real estate cycles, real options, agglomeration economies and the structure and operation of mortgage, housing and land markets.

Program Overview

The doctoral program in Real Estate is closely aligned with the doctoral program in finance. The normal course sequence for Real Estate requires students to fulfill all of the requirements of the finance major as well as a doctoral course in Real Estate and the Real Estate research seminar. Students are expected to demonstrate a command of micro- and macro-economic theory, econometric and statistics, basic finance, and urban economics, local public finance, and real estate finance. Students should bear in mind that they will carry additional course loads to accommodate the somewhat greater range of materials required to understand how modern research methodologies are applied to real estate problems and issues.

The Ph.D. program in real estate prepares individuals for careers in research and teaching at the university level. The program is highly quantitative and provides a strong foundation in financial and economic theory as well as in mathematical statistical techniques. Through a program of elective courses and dissertation research, students specialize in particular areas of real estate economics and finance. Typically, at least four years is required between the time a student enters the program and the time the dissertation is completed.

Education Prerequisites

Admission to doctoral programs can be competitive and applicants are expected to possess an undergraduate degree in a field associated with real estate, business or finance. A number of applicants to real estate doctoral programs already have graduate degrees.

Program Coursework

Students receiving a doctoral degree in real estate might be asked to take classes in land use regulation or architecture history. Other classes may include:

  • Real estate valuation
  • Asset management
  • Urban planning
  • Housing econometric
  • Real estate finance

Employment Outlook And Salary Info

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total number of individuals employed in the real estate industry has been declining steadily since 2006 ( However, the overall future appears to be stable for employees in the real estate industry, with the total number of jobs predicted to increase by 11% from 2008-2018, which is about as fast as average for all occupations.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Theology


Students interested in furthering their theology education can find Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs in the subject online, although they are extremely rare. This terminal degree prepares graduates for leadership positions, including pastor, priest, missionary or professor.

Individuals aspiring to enter the clergy or teach at a seminary, college or university find a Ph.D. program in biblical or renewal studies to be a good foundation. Comprised of religious and philosophical studies, the curriculum covers such topics as New and Old Testament, bible exposition and global Christianity. Seminars, readings and research culminate in a student’s dissertation. Prerequisites include a master’s degree in a related field, such as religion or philosophy. Some programs require a degree of proficiency in Hebrew and Greek.

While many Ph.D. in Theology programs highlight Christian religion as a whole, some programs allow students to choose areas of concentration. Possible specialties include New Testament and systematic theology, although concentrations will vary by school. Since Ph.D. in Theology programs typically prepare students for academic positions, they often incorporate teaching practices into the curriculum. Theology programs of this level also emphasize research and critical reflection. Students will conduct independent research and craft a dissertation, which they need to successfully defend in order to qualify for graduation.

Program Information and Requirements

Theology Ph.D. program is usually completed within 4 years. This time frame takes into consideration courses, research and exams. At the end of the program, students must pass written and oral examinations and defend their dissertation. Some online programs may require short-term visits to campus in conjunction with online courses.

Students need computer and Internet access to use the online class management systems. Instructors combine traditional texts with audio and video presentations. Classmates and instructors communicate by telephone, e-mail and online chat rooms.

Education Prerequisites

Applicants usually need a Master of Divinity for admission. Some schools will accept students who have master’s degrees in closely related areas, such as theology or religion. A bachelor’s degree in religion, philosophy and theology may be acceptable in certain programs. Students will likely have to demonstrate their proficiency in at least one foreign language, such as Hebrew, Latin or Greek.

Course Topics

Initial coursework may involve classes focusing on the history of biblical and theological studies. Students then develop individual programs of study by choosing concentration areas. Some courses may include the following:

  • Church and women
  • Spirituality and psychology
  • Christian philosophy
  • Virtues and ethics
  • U.S. theology

Career Calling

Graduates with a Ph.D. in Theology have a variety of career choices, including professor, youth pastor, priest or director.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Music Major in Performance


The Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Music degree is a doctoral academic research degree in music. The Ph.D in Music combines advanced studies in an applied area of specialization (usually music performance, composition, or conducting) with graduate-level academic study in subjects such as music history, music theory, or music pedagogy. The Ph.D in Music prepares students to be professional performers, conductors, and composers. As a terminal degree, the Ph.D in Music qualifies its recipient to work in university, college, and conservatory teaching/research positions.

students explore a wide variety of composition techniques in order to develop their own individual styles. Emphasis is placed on the performance of original and contemporary student works. Students consider such influences as cultural mix, the styles and trends of the second half of the 20th century, and the emerging 21st century.

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Color Therapy Education


The Philosophy of Doctor in Color Therapy Education program will present students an educational and practical approach encompassing color science, color psychology, color management for everyday life and business. Color has been a topic of intense interest and inquiry for over hundreds of years. PhD in Color Therapy Education provides diversity of application to almost every area giving students a broad exposure to the field of education, color and business.

Applicants will acquire knowledge and practical skills to afford them the unique opportunity of specializing in an area and continue their professional study appropriate for their background and interest without interrupting their contemporary careers. They will have a chance to make further development and specialize their careers for their future.


Students must earn 54 semester credit hours to earn the Doctor of Philosophy in Color Therapy and Education. The curriculum is a combination of required core courses in education and color including major course to specialize in area accordance with their interest. All students must pass a qualifying examination, which determines whether the student has a sufficient depth of knowledge in color therapy and education and the ability to perform research at the doctoral level.

Major Lists

  • Color Therapy and Aroma Therapy (MA-CTAT)
  • Psychology of Color and Career Aptitude Counseling (MA-PCCAC)
  • Color and Image Consultation (MA-CIC)
  • Childhood Color Education (MA-CCE)
  • Digital Advertisement and Science in Color (MA-DASC)
  • Food Therapy (MA-FT)

Popular Career Options

Individuals who graduate with a MA in Color Therapy and Education will be able to continue their career as follows.

  • Color Therapist
  • Aroma Therapist
  • Aptitude and Career Counselor
  • Advertisement Business
  • Image consultant for individuals and brand making
  • Color Designer for business or cities
  • Food Therapist

Curriculum SummaryOnline Enrollment

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management Major in Physical Education(SNPE)

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