The entire human race is now suffering from the longer-than-expected coronavirus. Isn’t there any good book for Pandemics, which is similar to prison life? Seo Chang-ryul, a friend of mine, recommends a representative translation, “A Gentleman of Moscow.”

Human beings are often subjected to unexpected misfortunes. Mandela, who was also hailed as the greatest man of our time, was imprisoned for 27 years as a political prisoner and became South Africa’s first black president.

I like the movie “Papillon,” which we must watch before we die. The main character spent the rest of his life as a free man, succeeding in escaping without giving up his noble life as a human being, even though he was imprisoned for life under a false charge of murder and forced labor.

Prisoners always fight in prison. Five minutes feels like five days. The term “multiply imprisonment” refers to being often bullied by fellow prisoners, in addition to imprisonment. The smartest person there is to get out of prison.

“A Gentleman in Moscow” was strongly recommended by U.S. President Obama in 2017. Doesn’t the protagonist, who has been imprisoned for life in a hotel, resemble us now wearing masks?

In a way, pensions in luxury hotels may be harder than prisons. Like it’s hard for a man with everything to control.

In 1922, turbulent Soviet Russia. Count Rostov is sentenced to life in prison if he leaves his hotel. The count adjusts to the new life with various roles such as secret lovers of famous actors, private teachers of Communist Party officials, and playmates of little ladies.

The main character who doesn’t regard misfortune as a misfortune but rather enjoys it! If so, the one who imprisoned him will be rather unhappy.

Like the main character in the novel, who overcame his own loss and fears of a grim future, I hope all PIC families will not lose their happiness even during the Corona virus season.

“If humans don’t control the environment, they can’t help but be dominated by it.”

“The wisest wisdom is to always keep a positive attitude.” is the maxim of Montaigne. — among the novel~~~~~~
No matter how hard it is in this world, it is also a “life of positivity” to live right, looking at heaven.

I can tell by reading this novel for a few pages in English and Korean that my friend’s translation seems to be the original text.
Dr. Hwang, Sooyeon


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