Academic Policy


A student is considered officially enrolled for the semester or term if he/she has met all the admission requirements and paid his/her tuition fee, either partially or in full. Students are expected to submit to a regular evaluation and counseling by their respective college deans or advisers. During such evaluation, the student will be advised on his/her academic progress and curricular performance, sequencing and scheduling of subjects.

Students are also encouraged to discuss with their advisers other matters affecting their overall educational welfare such as, but not limited to, career planning, guidance and counseling. As a general rule, students are not allowed to drop, add or change subjects after enrollment under any circumstance. In extreme cases where this cannot be avoided, the student should submit adequate justification and have this approved in the form and manner prescribed by the Office for Academic Affairs.

Grading System

Marks Grade Remarks
A+ 4.5 Truly Exceptional Performance
A 4.0 Excellent Performance
B+ 3.5 Good Performance
B 3.0 Acceptable Performance
C+ 2.5 Marginally Acceptable Performance
C 2.0 Passing but below expectations for graduate work
D+ 1.5 Poor
D 1.0 Lowest Passing Grade
F 0.0 Academic Failure No Credit Earned

In order to recognize (acknowledge) the achievements and monitor a student’s progress, each Course Department needs a realistic and meaningful system for their grading performance. PIC and the professional community expect each Course Department to maintain incomparable standards that reflect its reputation as one of the leading (foremost)) programs of its type in the country.

Incomplete Policy
Given the real time nature of the countless activities of each course, receiving an “Incomplete Grade” is not a practical option.

Academic Load

The subjects to be taken (academic load) in a semester/term and the sequencing of these subjects, shall be in accordance with the approved curriculum for the program or course of study. An exemption may be allowed, however, to the best interest of the student, provided it is in accordance with the objectives of the educational system. Taking advance subjects is not allowed. No credit shall be given to a subject taken in advance on any prerequisite subject.


Although every student has the right to be enrolled for the entire duration of his/her course, readmission may be denied based on legal, and/or reasonable grounds such as:

  • Academic deficiency (e.g., violation of or via retention policy);
  • Closure of a program, or course of study, or closure of the school itself;
  • Failure of the student to meet financial obligations;
  • Health reasons;
  • Irreconcilable differences/deterioration of relationship between the parents, and/or school authorities/teachers; and
  • A student’s violation of school rules and regulations.

Returning Student

Students intending to return are considered returnees and are expected to comply with our Academic Residency requirements. Moreover, students who are over the prescribed years of PIC residency shall take new curriculum.

Refund Rules

Claims for refund are made as follows:

  1. Within the one week of classes after the beginning of classes, and who has already paid the pertinent tuition and other school fees in full or for any length longer than one month, may be charged twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount due for the school term;
  2. Or fifty percent (50%) if within the second week of classes, regardless of whether or not he has actually attended classes.
  3. The student may be charged for all the school fees in full if he withdraws any time after the second week of classes.

Special Study (Lecture)

In any academic year, should there be few students registered in a specific major, PIC reserves the right to provide education in special way in accordance with internal PIC rules.

Subject to PIC curriculum update to provide quality assurance system standards.

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